Business Consulting

We believe Valstroom’s expertise in bridging the chasm between Business and Technology is one of our hey differentiators.

Business consulting

To be short-listed as a potential Valstroom consultant a candidate must have qualifications and deep experience in multiple business disciplines as well as in managing Technology initiatives, so you get a two-for- one. Where your competitor would be paying for two to fill these roles, you need only pay for one seasoned pro to help navigate your internal and external storms.

Our professional consultants can jump in on short notice and leave when the job is done. They bolster your talent and guide your teams through tricky ad-hoc exercises such effort sizing, estimation, work prioritization or initiative sequencing as well as lead larger more strategic initiatives such as:

  • Independent and impartial health Assessments

  • Uninfluenced and non-biased Audits to ratify reporting and ensure Governance efficiency

  • Attaining a higher level of Business Agility to ensure market competitive resilience

  • Designing and commissioning lean, enabling Risk Management reporting and protocols

  • Optimizing architecting, initiating and / or leading project portfolios to boost your ROI

Let’s have a no charge, no obligation chat

to understand your pain points and where we can add the most catalytic value